Survival is not just about staying alive and healthy following physical attacks, illness and injuries. It also involves making the right decisions at the right time.
I have had three medical conditions that could have been life-threatening, and NONE of those maladies had any symptoms.
"Your first symptom may have been to drop dead" --- My thoracic surgeon
Several years ago, my doctor picked up a very faint heart murmur and sent me to a cardiologist. The cardio specialist did some tests and determined I had aortic stenosis. My heart's aortic valve was clogged and would continue to get worse. That was the bad news. The good news was that by the time I needed a valve replacement, the operation could be done without cutting my chest open. The new valve would simply be implanted via an artery in the groin area.
The procedure, known as TAVR, was done two-and-a-half years ago, up to which time I had ZERO symptoms. Prior to the operation, my thoracic surgeon told me what I presented in the above quote. Scary stuff.
A couple decades ago, the same GP informed me that my blood pressure was sky high - and that I needed medications to control it. Once again - no symptoms. My doc prescribed the meds, and they worked. I truly believe that by going to the doctor and following his advice, I avoided what happened to my brother. He died in his sleep at the age of 64.
The prostate cancer diagnosis came roughly 18 years ago. Yes, no symptoms once again. Just a high PSA, followed by a biopsy that revealed the cancer. The surgery and radiation did the trick.
I will be 81 years old next month. Had I not taken the time and effort to consult with my medical folks and follow their advice, I am convinced I would be dead.
By the way, I also take good care of myself. The face is old, but my medical crew are amazed at my physical shape and vitality. The blood pressure remains low - the cancer has been controlled - and the new heart valve works great.
My hope is that my article may be of help to some folks out there. Take care of yourselves (physically, mentally, medically) and work with your medical people. It is worth it!
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